(FYI: I'm not bullying or targeting anyone in this post)
Hi everyone. I am making this post out of anger & confusion. Why am I like this? Well recently, I've noticed that a good chunk of my works have been zero-bombed.
Now to most people this probably isn't a big deal, but for me it's a pain in the goddamn ass to deal with, not to mention that a lot of the aforementioned zero-bombed works had moderate / good / great scores, and now they rank WAY lower than they originally were.
Some songs like Lesson 2 got its score dropped from a 4.92* to a 3.72*, Telling Our Stories went from 4.39* to 3.92*, and No. 418's score went down drastically from 5* to a whopping 2.6* (i dont know the exact rating since it doesnt show on the submission or mobile).
Not only that, but some of my older / moderately-ok works got higher ratings (example: boogie boppe went from 3.37* to 3.82*). Of course thats a good thing, but it doesn't make up for all of the works that got bombed.
The bombed songs I mentioned before are some of many to be bombed...
I don't know who this person is but im getting annoyed. I don't know if I want to keep uploading audio here because I feel like thisll continue (or because it's a method to drive me off of the audio portal or Newgrounds entirely).
So... dear person whos bombing my works: please stop this. It's very frustrating and I don't like that.
And always remember, hater votes and ass-kissers don't help anybody.