the internet

uhhhh... i don't fuckin know lmao @NitroOrient


lego usland

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Joined on 5/16/22

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NitroOrient's News

Posted by NitroOrient - June 25th, 2023

Wassup everyone!

It's me, Mr. NitroOrient, and I'm back with some new stuff to share with yall!

1. 200 Follows

As featured in the title, I've reached 200 follows today! Huzzah!


I also graduated middle school recently so there'll be more works on the way. I provided a whole list of them below.

2. List of New Projects In The Works

1. Bunny Clicker - Over the past couple weeks, I've been working on a new clicking game called Bunny Clicker. Here's a preview of the project


2. Newark Project - This is an upcoming project I'm working on and focuses on stuff from the city of Newark, NJ (the best city ever). Here's the latest track I have for it (it's a WIP).

3. Whiteboard - Today I launched a place where yall can draw for your amusement. Here be the link (PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES)


4. Chess - Been playing a lot of chess these days. Wanna see me play? Check out the account here!

That's all I got to offer for now. Thanks for reading and for your support, and have a good day / night!





Posted by NitroOrient - June 11th, 2023

Wake up yall.

My new album, Love Games, just dropped today.

Yall can check it out here via the links provided below:








Posted by NitroOrient - May 26th, 2023

Hi everyone. Hope yall have been doing good lately...

So its been (almost) a week since my last newspoast. For those who didn't read it or forgot what happened, here's a little recap...

"Got Covid and stopped everything indefinitely, aka stopped everything for a week bc covid sucks".

Yea that's a good recap lmfao.

So, here's the main highlight of this post... I'm better.

I've been feeling better over the past week, and fortunately, I've had the motivation to resume activity in music and art, so yep I got more projects on the way! :)

To kick off this return, ill be uploading some unfinished tracks, then I'll go back to full time production.

And another thing.. school is almost done for me so there'll be a lot of good stuff coming out over le summer. That's something to look forward to for everyone :p

So yep there's that, thanks for reading this short post and have a good day (sorry if it's rushed).





Posted by NitroOrient - May 19th, 2023

Hey everyone...

I hope you all are doing well. I'm here to drop a lil update on my life status...

Over the past 3 weeks, I've been feeling kinda shitty physically. It mostly started out as a lot of coughing, however it eventually progressed to a full-fledged cold, and it sucked quite a bit.

And more recently, on Wednesday, I felt sick to the point where I didn't go to school for the rest of the week..

After 2 days of feeling down, my parents decided to take me to the doctor. They did some testing on me and all that jazz (the usual stuff). Afterwards, they informed me that I got covid...

So what does that mean? It means I have Covid of course. As a result, I'm gonna put my music, art, and other projects will be put on hold indefinitely until I get better.. It's pretty much for my own good.

I wanted to take a break from it for a while, so I might as well do so now..

Will i be back to music? Eventually I will, yes, but as I said earlier, it's on indefinite hold...

I'll still be in the BBS / NG Chat, but no new stuff until further notice..

See you guys soon, and have a good day.





Posted by NitroOrient - May 16th, 2023

Hi there everyone. How are you all? I’m currently making this post on May 16th, 2023. Why today? Well as of today, May 16th, 2023, i’ve been on Newgrounds for 1 whole year! :D 

Back when I first started out on NG (or pretty much any social media tbh), I didn't know what to do. There were so many things to do, from art to games, NG had it all, and still does to this day (hopefully it stays that way). Over this past year, I've done a lot of awesome things, from music to games, and from joining collabs to making friends. I've had a very fun ride here, and it’s all thanks to you guys! Without your support, I'd probably be nowhere or doing nothing here. 

So all in all, thank you all so much for your endless support throughout my first year here, and here’s to many more just like it! :D





Posted by NitroOrient - April 24th, 2023

Hi there everyone. How are you all?

I'm making this post in joy. Why? Well today I found out that I got awarded User of the Day! :D


(Snapshot taken by @/Pingu)

Personally, I don't know how I got this, but I do know that this made my day a lot better. :)

So, in summary, thank you for all of your support. Really means a lot to me. ^^




Posted by NitroOrient - April 14th, 2023


Workin on a new album! :o




Posted by NitroOrient - April 3rd, 2023

(FYI: I'm not bullying or targeting anyone in this post)

Hi everyone. I am making this post out of anger & confusion. Why am I like this? Well recently, I've noticed that a good chunk of my works have been zero-bombed.

Now to most people this probably isn't a big deal, but for me it's a pain in the goddamn ass to deal with, not to mention that a lot of the aforementioned zero-bombed works had moderate / good / great scores, and now they rank WAY lower than they originally were.

Some songs like Lesson 2 got its score dropped from a 4.92* to a 3.72*, Telling Our Stories went from 4.39* to 3.92*, and No. 418's score went down drastically from 5* to a whopping 2.6* (i dont know the exact rating since it doesnt show on the submission or mobile).

Not only that, but some of my older / moderately-ok works got higher ratings (example: boogie boppe went from 3.37* to 3.82*). Of course thats a good thing, but it doesn't make up for all of the works that got bombed.

The bombed songs I mentioned before are some of many to be bombed...

I don't know who this person is but im getting annoyed. I don't know if I want to keep uploading audio here because I feel like thisll continue (or because it's a method to drive me off of the audio portal or Newgrounds entirely).

So... dear person whos bombing my works: please stop this. It's very frustrating and I don't like that.

And always remember, hater votes and ass-kissers don't help anybody.




Posted by NitroOrient - April 2nd, 2023

0. Hey everyone!

It's me, yours truly, NitroOrient, and I come to yall with some 99.99% lit stuff that you're gonna love... so let's get into it!

1. Gettin' Better

5 days ago, I posted a preview of my next album, Gettin' Better. Well today (April 2nd), the album has finally been released for Newgrounds (after nearly 3 months in production)!

You can view the album here ----> please click me I beg you


2. Bandcamp!

You read that correctly. I've finally launched a Bandcamp. I've wanted to launch one for a while so I'm happy to get around to the idea. Here's the link ----> nitroorient.bandcamp.com


3. Music & Art Commissions!

Yes, that's right. I'm now open to make stuff for you (second time this year. Yippee). Is it for free? Yea it is. You can send me anything you want (either in the comments or via PMs). If you want more details, you can either PM me or read this ----> bruh I haven't posted it yet so chill

4. DropBox Status

Over this past month (late February to be exact), ive been working on a archive for my content via DropBox, and I've posted some updates in the past. So here's a short update on how its goin...

still working on the audio section so its gonna be a while before I release it (it's a pain in the ass to control it).. I'll post more previews in the future...


5. Current Life Status

My life has been going very well lately. As school comes to a close, I've been getting more freetime to do some musical stuff (especially since I'm on break atm). So yea that's it for this section lmao...

6. New Alias?

Recently I've been thinking about changing my alias to something called huskyyy. This isn't final and I don't know if I'm gonna change it (probably not for now), so ye there's that..


(This isnt my image but it gives a good idea as to what the alias is)

7. Q&A Today!

So today I decided I want to do a Q&A for fun. This is very self-explanatory. Just ask me questions via PMs or the comments below.

8. Whiteboard

Another thing I wanted to do today was launch a whiteboard when you can draw some random shtuff for free. So here's the link ----> https://r9.whiteboardfox.com/92581384-0018-9185


9. Future Movies

When it comes to movies, I never really focus on it that much. I only have 1 solo submission. I've wanted to upload more because of my limited movie content so I'll start to try and upload some more movies in the future (please don't blame me if I forget to or don't do it at all. Not trying to hype up too much).

10. Future Projects

This follows the same premise as the aforementioned 'future movies' section. A list of my future projects are

  1. Dropbox release
  2. More games
  3. New album soon..
  4. More movies (both collab & solo)

That's just to name a few but I think you get the point.

11. Raffle!

I'm gonna be hosting a raffle this Friday. This is all I'm gonna say until Friday (April 7th).

12. End

That's all I wanted to share with yall (sorry if it's a long read..). So thanks for reading, thanks for dropping by, and see you next time!

-NitroOrient! :D




Posted by NitroOrient - March 28th, 2023

new album 'gettin better' coming April 2nd!

looking forward to releasing it!

